特殊定制產品是廣州楓格家具主營產品之一,功能展架、展柜是在普通展柜的基礎上加以深化出來的高端展示類產品。廣州楓格能融合多種不能工藝與功能結合定做出不同類型的功能展示柜。目前涉及的產品包括功能展臺、功能展架、功能展柜等,這類產品能結合前端高精密設備、裝置,將這類設備和裝置展示出它的功能作用。廣州楓格歡迎各位新老客戶來洽談,我們能配合客戶的需求做出更適合于設備和裝置展示的展臺和貨架。Special customized products are one of the main products of Guangzhou Fengge Furniture. Functional display racks and display cabinets are high-end display products that are deepened on the basis of ordinary display cabinets. Guangzhou Fengge can combine various craftsmanship and functions to customize different types of functional display cabinets. The products currently involved include functional exhibition stands, functional display racks, functional display cabinets, etc. These products can be combined with front-end high-precision equipment and devices to display their functions. Guangzhou Fengge welcomes all new and old customers to negotiate. We can meet customer needs to create booths and shelves that are more suitable for the display of equipment and devices.